Advent Day 11 Ms Access Gurus

VBA > Function > Get Distance

VBA to get Distance in miles, kilometers, or nautical miles from two coordinate points of Latutude and Longitude.

Screen shot

On the left is earth. It is round and has a radius from the center to each point on the surface. The radius of the earth is not the same everywhere, so an approximation is used.

On the right, coordinates for 2 cities are labeled. Unlike standard math where a coordinate number pair has the distance along the X-Axis (horizontal) first and second is the distance along the Y-axis, geological coordinates are usually reported with Latitude first, and then Longitude. Coordinates are in degrees with +/-90° being the extremity for Latitude, and +/- 180° for Longitude.

approximate Latitude/Longitude of a few major cities:


"Distance from Denver to Chicago is " & Format(GetDistance(39.726303, -104.856808, 41.811929, -87.68732) , "#,##0") & " miles"

Distance from Denver to Chicago is 909 miles

"Distance from Denver to Houston is " & Format(GetDistance(39.726303, -104.856808, 29.813142, -95.309789) , "#,##0") & " miles"

Distance from Denver to Houston is 873 miles

"Distance from Los Angeles to New York is " & Format(GetDistance(33.973951, -118.248405, 40.750422, -73.996328) , "#,##0") & " miles"

Distance from Los Angeles to New York is 2,451 miles

"Distance from London to Cairo is " _ & Format(GetDistance(33.973951, -118.248405, 40.750422, -73.996328) , "#,##0") & " mi = " & Format(GetDistance(33.973951, -118.248405, 40.750422, -73.996328, 2) , "#,##0") & " km"

Distance from London to Cairo is 2,451 mi = 3,945 km


To convert degrees to radians, divide by 180/pi, which is 57.2958 (since there are pi radians in a half circle, which is 180°).

Sin (sine) of an angle is is opposite/hypotenuse.

Cos (cosine) of an angle is adjacent/hypotenuse.

Atn (arc tangent) = the inverse of tangent (opposite/adjacent); the arc tan is the angle in radians for a given tangent.

A circle has 2(pi) radians (360°). The distance all around it is the circumference, which is 2(pi)R ... or (pi)D -- remember that from school? Therefore: the length of an arc is the angle in radians times the radius.




'*************** Code Start *****************************************************
' Purpose  : Get distance between 2 points of Latitude and Longitude
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Return   : Double
' License  : below code
' Code List:

' GetDistance

'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Function GetDistance( _ pLat1 As Double _ , pLng1 As Double _ , pLat2 As Double _ , pLng2 As Double _ , Optional pWhich As Integer _ ) As Double 'strive4peace 12-13-08, 12-22 On Error Resume Next Dim X As Double Dim EarthRadius As Double Select Case pWhich Case 2: EarthRadius = 6378.7 'kilometers Case 3: EarthRadius = 3437.74677 'nautical miles Case Else EarthRadius = 3963 'statute miles End Select X = (Sin(pLat1 / 57.2958) * Sin(pLat2 / 57.2958)) _ + (Cos(pLat1 / 57.2958) * Cos(pLat2 / 57.2958) * Cos(pLng2 / 57.2958 - pLng1 / 57.2958)) GetDistance = ABS ( EarthRadius * Atn(Sqr(1 - X ^ 2) / X) ) End Function ' ' LICENSE ' You may freely use and share this code ' provided this license notice and comment lines are not changed; ' code may be modified provided you clearly note your changes. ' You may not sell this code alone, or as part of a collection, ' without my handwritten permission. ' All ownership rights reserved. Use at your own risk. ' ~ crystal (strive4peace) '*************** Code End *******************************************************


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