clusterd column chart in Access Ms Access Gurus

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Modern Chart Reference and How-To

Extensive reference for Modern Charts in Microsoft Access with properties, settings, enumerations, and more so you see what you can do with modern charts, and how to create them.

Charts give you a great way to visualize data! They're easy to create once you get the hang of it.

If printed, this would be 40 pages. I chose not be break it up so everything is in one place for easy searching and reference. Hope you have as much fun with charts as I do!

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Chart Objects

Basic object types for Modern Charts in Access.

Objects on a Chart

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Step-by-Step How To Create a Modern Chart

Steps to create the 2 charts in the sample database. Download: . Remember to unblock the zip file before extracting the database.

  1. Create a Query to line up the data you want to use for the chart

    As a minimum, a chart needs 2 things: something on the X-Axis (horizontal axis, Category Axis) and something on the Y-Axis (vertical, Value Axis). This example prefaces names with "x" and "y" to make that clear. For the Category axis, because sales are being reported by month, dates are converted to the last day of the month, or End-Of-Month, EOM, using this expression:

    	xDate: DateSerial( Year(DateSale), Month(DateSale)+1, 0) 
    The reason this is done instead of using Format to extract month and year is because Modern Charts need the date data type for proper sorting. Even though the query is sorted, Modern Charts don't respect that as Classic Charts do.

    Query Design and Datasheet for chart


    	SELECT DateSerial(
    		Year(DateSale), Month(DateSale)+1, 0) AS xDate
    		, Sum(Sales.Amount) AS yAmount
    		, Year(DateSale) AS Yr
    		, Month(DateSale) AS Mo
    	FROM Sales
    	GROUP BY DateSerial( Year(DateSale), Month(DateSale)+1, 0)
    		, Year(DateSale)
    		, Month(DateSale)
    	ORDER BY Year(DateSale)
    		, Month(DateSale); 

  2. Goto Top  

  3. Go to the design view of a form or report. From the Form (or Report) Design ribbon, choose Insert Modern Chart from the Controls group.

    where to find Insert Modern Chart on the ribbon

  4. Goto Top  

  5. Choose the chart type. This will be a Clustered Column.

    chart type is clustered column

  6. Goto Top  

  7. The cursor changes to show you are about to insert a chart. Click on the canvas in the upper-left corner where you want the chart to go (for a default-size) or click and drag to define the size.

    click where you want the chart to go

  8. Goto Top  

  9. An example chart is shown and the Chart Settings Pane opens on the right.

    click where you want the chart to go

  10. Goto Top  

  11. Pick the Data Source, which here is a query called qChart.

    choose the table or query for the data source

  12. Goto Top  

  13. Once the data source is identified, options open up in the Chart Settings.

    Chart Settings, Data Source is a query

  14. Goto Top  

  15. Choose the field for the Category Axis. Because it is a date and Access sees there is just one value for each month, the axis labels are formatted to show month and year.

    choose the date field for the category

  16. Goto Top  

  17. Choose year for the Legend (Series).

    choose to group by year

  18. Goto Top  

  19. Choose amount to display on the y-axis. Nothing changes on the preview since this was already the assumption that Access made.

    choose amount to show on the Value axis

  20. Goto Top  

  21. Review and change Chart Settings Format. Note that you can change the display name for the series, which axis to show it on (Primary or Secondary), colors, choose to show data label, as well as add trendlines.

    choose amount to show on the Value axis

  22. Goto Top  

  23. Change the Fill Color for a series by choosing the series from the drop-down on the Format tab of Chart Settings and then setting the Fill Color.

    choose green for the series fill color

  24. Goto Top  

  25. This company has seasonal sales so it's useful to put months of different years next to each other. Modern Charts give us the ability to have multiple fields in the Category, just as a crosstab allows.

    To make months of a year go next to each other so you can compare each month to the same month in another year, add month (Mo) to the category.

    add Month to category in addition to date

    If the date field is removed from the category, we are just left with the month number,

    add Month to category in addition to date

    so we won't keep it that way, and for now, put the date field into the Category again.

  26. Goto Top  

  27. In addition to Chart Settings, there are lots of Properties you can set. From the Design ribbon, choose Property Sheet or press Alt-Enter to turn it on if it isn't showing.

    show the Property Sheet

  28. Goto Top  

  29. As changes are made in the chart settings for data,

    add Month to category in addition to date

    they are reflected on Data tab of the Property Sheet, and you can also change them there.

    add Month to category in addition to date

    Modern charts create a TransformedRowSource, which is read-only, and used for the chart. Here is the SQL statement that Access generated based on the settings:


    	TRANSFORM Sum( yAmount ) AS  SumOfyAmount  
    	SELECT Format( xDate , "mmm 'yy")
    	   ,  Mo  
    	FROM  qChart  
    	GROUP BY Format( xDate , "mmm 'yy")
    	, Year( xDate )*12 + Month( xDate )-1  
    	,  Mo  
    	ORDER BY  Mo 
    	, Year( xDate )*12 + Month( xDate )-1 
    	PIVOT  Yr 

    In the SQL, TRANSFORM is the keyword that CrossTab queries use to PIVOT information.

    While the transformed row source is useful for tweaking the appearance, it is frustrating because it can't be changed directly. While you do have control over the Row Source property, the final chart uses the Transformed Row Source.

    In this case, the date format is "mmm 'yy" which is okay but my preference would have been "mmm-yyyy". I would also change GROUP BY to be by year then month, and ORDER BY to be simply by date. These clauses have minds of their own though.

  30. Goto Top  

  31. The Format tab of the property sheet is where you can set things such as ranges, display units, formats, text, colors, and sizes for titles. The following properties were set:
    Property Value
    ChartTitle Monthly Sales
    HasSubtitle Yes
    ChartSubtitle mid-2020 to mid-2022
    PrimaryValuesAxisDisplayUnits Thousands
    PrimaryValuesAxisFormat #,##0
    BackColor RGB(240,250,252)
    BorderStyle Solid
    BorderWidth 2 points
    BorderColor RGB(30,70,200)
    Top 0.1 inch
    Left 0.1 inch
    Form Properties
    RecordSelectors No
    NavigationButtons No

    Here is the result

    add Month to category in addition to date

    Instead of using display units to label the primary axis with just "Thousands", I'd rather give the axis a more descriptive title. Dividing by a thousand can also be done by additing a comma to the end of the format code.

    Changed these properties:
    Property Value
    HasAxisTitles Yes
    PrimaryValuesAxisTitle Thousands of Dollars
    PrimaryValuesAxisDisplayUnits None
    PrimaryValuesAxisFormat #,##0,

    Now the chart looks like this:

    add Month to category in addition to date

    More could be done. GapWidth and GapDepth can't be set like they can with classic charts; however, classic charts don't have grouping one series into what appears to be different series either. To have wider columns, you can make a crosstab query to use for the row source.

  32. Goto Top  

  33. Also in the sample database is a crosstab query and a modern chart using the crosstab for the Row Source. Here's the design view of qChart_Crosstab:

    Crosstab query Design View

    To get the month names to sort right, they are prefaced with a Unicode character using the ChW function. I glanced to see if there are official symbols defined for the months (I thought there were, somewhere) but didn't find them, so sun, moons, and planets were used. The first thought would be to just use the month number itself, but that could be confused for a date. Any symbols can be used as long as it will put the months in chronological instead of alphabetical order. Symbols for each month could also be stored in a table.

    	Mnth: ChrW( 9787+Month(DateSale)) & Format(DateSale, " mmm") 

    Row Source is a crosstab query

    Here is the Data tab of the Chart Settings. The Data Source (Row Source property but not what the final chart uses) is a query called qChart_Crosstab.

    Just one field is specified for the category x-axis, which is the expression with a sort character and then the month name abbreviation. No further grouping is specified. Multiple series are chosen for the values y-axes.

    Data settings when Row Source is a crosstab query

    Because the source query is already a crosstab, the transformed row source is a totals query that doesn't pivot or transform.

    SQL Transformed Row Source:

    	SELECT [Mnth]
    	, Sum([2020]) AS [SumOf2020]
    	, Sum([2021]) AS [SumOf2021]
    	, Sum([2022]) AS [SumOf2022] 
    	FROM [qChart_Crosstab] 
    	GROUP BY [Mnth] 
    	ORDER BY [Mnth]	

    Here is the Format tab of the Chart Settings, where you can set a display name, color, and more for each series. There don't seem to be any exposed properties on the property sheet for format properties of each series. The chart legend shows the Display Name for each series.

    Format settings when Row Source is a crosstab query

Goto Top  



You will probably need to remove Mark of the Web from the ZIP file before extracting. Always take an Access database OUT of a zip file before opening it! Here are steps to unblock:

The download ACCDB database has 2 queries, 2 forms with Modern Charts, and a few tables with sample data.

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Chart Objects

a diagram with chart object is shown above -- click on the link above to look. Press ALT-LeftArrow to come back here after looking

Modern Chart Types

Value Description Icon acChart constant
0 Clustered Column acChartColumnClustered
1 Stacked Column acChartColumnStacked
2 100% Stacked Column acChartColumnStacked100
3 Clustered Bar acChartBarClustered
4 Stacked Bar acChartBarStacked
5 100% Stacked Bar acChartBarStacked100
6 Line acChartLine
7 Line Stacked acChartLineStacked
8 100% Stacked Line acChartLineStacked100
9 Pie acChartPie
10 Combo acChartCombo

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Chart Settings

Toggle the Chart Settings pane on and off in the Tools group on the Design ribbon (near Add Existing Fields and Property Sheet). Several of the chart settings are also on the Property Sheet.

Data Settings

Data Source

  • Tables
  • Queries
  • Both

Axis (Category)

  • list of fields

Legend (Series)

  • None
  • pick a field from the list

Values (Y axis)

  • list of fields

Data Chart Settings

Format Settings

Data Series

  • pick from dropdown

Format Data Series

  • Display Name
  • Plot Series on
    (1) Primary
    (2) Secondary
  • Series Fill Color
  • Series Border Color
  • Display Data Label
  • Trendline Options
    (1) None
    (2) Linear
    (3) Exponential
    (4) Logarithmic
    (5) Polynomial
    (6) Power
    (7) Moving Average
  • Trendline Name

Format Chart Settings

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Properties and Objects

Chart-specific Properties for Modern Charts

A Modern Chart object has the following properties and objects specific to charts. When these were enumerated, several of the data types reported as byte were changed to Integer or Long to match Help (which may not be right!), where Help even listed a data type.

When enumerating the properties, the TypeName function was used to get data type but often it was reported as Byte and that isn't necessarily right. For instance, a color number can be Long, so all the properties storing a color number are set to Long (of course, I have an Access database to track this information and generate HTML, smile).

Where values come from a list, there is a link to the enumeration, or to a page that has it. Enumerations and Lists are also shown on this page after properties. Press Alt-LeftArrow to go back to your previous spot on the page.

Chart Property Data Type Tab Values Description
CategoryAxisFontColor Long Format font color used by the category axis
CategoryAxisFontShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
CategoryAxisFontSize Integer Format font size used by the category axis
CategoryAxisFontTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
CategoryAxisThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
CategoryAxisTitle String Format text for the category axis title
ChartAxis String Data semi-colon delimited list of field(s) for the category axis
ChartLegend String Data field name used by the chart legend
ChartSubtitle String Format text for the chart subtitle
ChartSubtitleFontColor Long Format font color used by the chart subtitle
ChartSubtitleFontShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
ChartSubtitleFontSize Integer Format font size used by the chart subtitle
ChartSubtitleFontTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
ChartSubtitleThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
ChartTitle String Format text for the chart title
ChartTitleFontColor Long Format font color used by the chart title
ChartTitleFontName String Format font name for chart title
ChartTitleFontShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
ChartTitleFontSize Integer Format font size used by the chart title
ChartTitleFontTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
ChartTitleThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
ChartType Long Format AcChartType type of chart or acChartCombo if more than one chart type
ChartValues String Data semi-colon delimited list with field names to be plotted on the value (Y) axis of a chart
HasAxisTitles YesNo Format true if the chart has a title on the category or value axis
HasLegend YesNo Format True if the chart has a legend
HasSubtitle YesNo Format true if the chart has a subtitle
HasTitle YesNo Format true if the chart has a title
LegendPosition Long Format AcLegendPosition position of the legend for a chart
LegendTextFontColor Long Format font color used by the chart legend
LegendTextFontShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
LegendTextFontSize Integer Format font size used by the chart legend
LegendTextFontTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
LegendTextThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
PreviewLiveData YesNo Data True if design view is updated as changes are made
PrimaryValuesAxisDisplayUnits Byte Format AcAxisUnits unit of measurement for values displayed on the primary axis
PrimaryValuesAxisFontColor Long Format font color used by the chart primary axis
PrimaryValuesAxisFontShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
PrimaryValuesAxisFontSize Integer Format font size used by the primary axis
PrimaryValuesAxisFontTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
PrimaryValuesAxisFormat String Format named or custom format for the primary value axis
PrimaryValuesAxisMaximum Single Format maximum value that can be represented on the primary values axis
PrimaryValuesAxisMinimum Single Format minimumj value that can be represented on the primary values axis
PrimaryValuesAxisRange Byte Format AcAxisRange behavior for representing minimum and maximum values on the primary values axis - Fixed or Auto
PrimaryValuesAxisThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
PrimaryValuesAxisTitle String Format text for the primary axis title
RowSource String Data name of the table/query or SQL statement with data for the chart
SecondaryValuesAxisDisplayUnits Byte Format AcAxisUnits unit of measurement for values displayed on the secondary axis
SecondaryValuesAxisFontColor Long Format font color used by chart secondary axes
SecondaryValuesAxisFontShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
SecondaryValuesAxisFontSize Integer Format font size used by the secondary axis
SecondaryValuesAxisFontTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
SecondaryValuesAxisFormat String Format named or custom format for the secondary value axis
SecondaryValuesAxisMaximum Single Format maximum value that can be represented on the secondary values axis
SecondaryValuesAxisMinimum Single Format minimumj value that can be represented on the secondary values axis
SecondaryValuesAxisRange Byte Format AcAxisRange behavior for representing minimum and maximum values on the secondary values axis - Fixed or Auto
SecondaryValuesAxisThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
SecondaryValuesAxisTitle String text for the secondary axis title
TransformedRowSource String Data auto-generated SQL string that is used to support aggregation, pivoting, and ordering of chart data. Generated from a combination of the RowSource property and selected axis fields.
Chart Collections
ChartAxisCollection object collection of all the ChartAxis objects in a chart
ChartSeriesCollection object collection of all the ChartSeries objects in a chart
ChartValuesCollection object collection of all the ChartValues objects in a chart
GroupType Long AcDateGroupType type of grouping for axis when the field data type is DATE
Name String get the name of a ChartAxis instance based on its associated field
BorderColor Long border color of a series visualization, system color constant or the RGB function
ComboChartType Long AcChartType chart type when there is a secondary value axis (chart type is acChartCombo)
DashType Long AcDashType change dash stylefor a Line series, uses AcDashType
DisplayDataLabel YesNo True if data labels are displayed for a series
DisplayName String display name of a series on the legend
FillColor Long fill color of a series
LineWeight Long line weight (thickness) for a series for Line charts
MarkerType Long AcMarkerType marker shape to use for data points on Line series
MissingDataPolicy Long AcMissingDataPolicy plotting strategy of a series when its chart type is acChartLine and values are missing
Name String name of a ChartSeries on the value of its associated field
PlotSeriesOn Long AcValueAxis axis to use for plotting the values of a series
TrendlineName String name of the series trendline if the trendline is visible
TrendlineOptions Long AcTrendlineOptions type of trendline to render for a series
AggregateType Long AcAggregateType behavior for aggregating values
Name String name of a ChartValues instance based on its associated field

Goto Top  

General Properties for Modern Charts

Here are some general properties that modern charts have. There is no chart-specific help for these, so mostly textbox help is pulled up when you click a link. Used subform for LinkMasterFields and LinkChildFields since they work the same way.

Some of the properties only have a name and a data type (which may not be right). I found them, but I don't know what they are (yet). Perhaps undocumented goodies?

TypeName reported some data types that I know aren't right. Where Help reports a different data type, it is listed in the description.

General Property Data Type Tab Values Description
BackColor Long Format interior or fill color
BackShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
BackStyle Byte Format 1=Normal (default except option group), 0=Transparent
BackThemeColorIndex Long 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
BackTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
BorderColor Long Format line color around control
BorderLineStyle Byte outside line pattern. 0=Transparent. 1=Solid (default), 2=Dashes, 4=Dots, etc. Chart border can't use 8 (double-line)
BorderShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
BorderStyle Byte Format outside line pattern. 0=Transparent. 1=Solid (default), 2=Dashes, 4=Dots, etc. Chart border can't use 8 (double-line)
BorderThemeColorIndex Long ThemeColorIndex 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
BorderTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
BorderWidth Byte Format line width. 0=Hairline (default). 1 to 6 is 1 to 6 points. Affected by BorderStyle and SpecialEffect.
BottomPadding Integer Format space between object and bottom gridline
ColumnEnd Byte
ColumnStart Byte
ControlTipText String Other text in screen tip that appears when you hover the mouse over a control
ControlType Byte AcControlType number correcsponding to the type of control such as 100 for Label and 109 for Textbox
DisplayWhen Byte Format choose whether to display always, on screen, or on print
Enabled YesNo Data True if user is allow to click in the control and copy its value
EventProcPrefix String prefix characters of an event procedure name
GridlineColor Long color of the gridline
GridlineShade Single Amount of darkness of theme color. 100 is neutral, darker toward 0. 25 is 75% darkness.
GridlineStyleBottom Byte Format GridlineStyle bottom gridline style
GridlineStyleLeft Byte Format GridlineStyle left gridline style
GridlineStyleRight Byte Format GridlineStyle right gridline style
GridlineStyleTop Byte Format GridlineStyle top gridline style
GridlineThemeColorIndex Long 0 to 11 for various named theme colors. -1=No Theme.
GridlineTint Single Amount of lightness. 100=normal. 75=25% lighter
GridlineWidthBottom Byte Format GridlineWidth width of the bottom gridline
GridlineWidthLeft Byte Format GridlineWidth width of the left gridline
GridlineWidthRight Byte Format GridlineWidth width of the right gridline
GridlineWidthTop Byte Format GridlineWidth width of the top gridline
Height Byte Format height of the object in twips. 1 twip=20 points. 1 inch = 1440 twips
HeightStretch Byte Format
HelpContextId Integer Other context ID of a topic in the custom Help file specified by the HelpFile property setting. Read/write Long.
HorizontalAnchor Byte Format AcHorizontalAnchor how the object is anchored horizontally within its layout - Left, Right, or Both
InSelection YesNo true if control is selected in Design view
Layout Integer AcLayoutType type of layout the control is in
LayoutID Integer layout unique identifier that contains the specified object (0=zero=not part of a layout). Long.
Left Integer Format position of the object from the left margin in twips. 1 twip=20 points. 1 inch = 1440 twips
LeftPadding Integer Format space between object and left gridline
LinkChildFields String Data semi-colon delimited list of field(s) in the chart data source that link to what is in the LinkMasterFields property
LinkMasterFields String Data semi-colon delimited list of field(s) or controls on a form or report that link to what is in the LinkChildFields property for the chart
Name String Other Name of the chart control
RightPadding Integer Format space between object and right gridline
RowEnd Byte
RowStart Byte
Section Byte AcSection which section of a form or report a control is in. Integer.
ShortcutMenuBar String Other name of the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click the chart
SpecialEffect Byte Format SpecialEffect special effect of the chart control such as flat or sunken
StatusBarText String Other specify the text that is displayed in the status bar when a control is selected
TabIndex Byte Other a control's place in the tab order on a form or report. Integer
TabStop YesNo Other True if you can use the Tab key to move the focus to a control
Tag String Other not used by Access -- custom property for your application to store a string expression up to 2048 characters long. default is a zero-length string ("").
ThemeFontIndex Integer specify if font is a Detail (default) or Header theme font, -1 if no theme
Top Integer Format position of the object from the top margin in twips. 1 twip=20 points. 1 inch = 1440 twips
TopPadding Integer Format space between object and top gridline
VerticalAnchor Byte Format AcVerticalAnchor how the specified text box is anchored vertically within its layout - Top, Bottom, or Both
Visible YesNo Format True if chart is visible
Width Byte Format width of the object in twips. 1 twip=20 points. 1 inch = 1440 twips
WidthStretch Byte Format

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Enumerations and Lists

The following shows enumerations and lists for built-in constant types and chart properties.


type of aggregation to apply to a set of values

Value Constant Description
0 acAggregateNone None
1 acAggregateSum Sum
2 acAggregateAverage Average
3 acAggregateMinimum Minimum
4 acAggregateMaximum Maximum
5 acAggregateDistinct Distinct
6 acAggregateCount Count


behavior for representing minimum and maximum values on an axis -- Auto or Fixed

Value Constant Description
0 acAxisRangeAuto Automatic -- axis range determined automatically by the lowest and highest values in the set.
1 acAxisRangedFixed Fixed -- axis range is determined by fixed minimum/maximum values and may be clipped accordingly.


unit of measurement for values displayed on an axis

Value Constant Description
0 acAxisUnitsNone None (original values)
1 acAxisUnitsPercentage Percentage
2 acAxisUnitsHundreds Hundreds
3 acAxisUnitsThousands Thousands
4 acAxisUnitsTenThousands Ten Thousands
5 acAxisUnitsHundredThousands Hundred Thousands
6 acAxisUnitsMillions Millions
7 acAxisUnitsTenMillions Ten Millions
8 acAxisUnitsHundredMillions Hundred Millions
9 acAxisUnitsBillions Billions
10 acAxisUnitsTenBillions Ten Billions
11 acAxisUnitsHundredBillions Hundred Billions
12 acAxisUnitsTrillions Trillions


choices for chart type

Value Constant Description
0 acChartColumnClustered Clustered Column
1 acChartColumnStacked Stacked Column
2 acChartColumnStacked100 100% Stacked Column
3 acChartBarClustered Clustered Bar
4 acChartBarStacked Stacked Bar
5 acChartBarStacked100 100% Stacked Bar
6 acChartLine Line
7 acChartLineStacked Line Stacked
8 acChartLineStacked100 100% Stacked Line
9 acChartPie Pie
10 acChartCombo Combo


color number from 0 to 15

Value Constant Description
0 acColorIndexBlack Black color
1 acColorIndexMaroon Maroon color
2 acColorIndexGreen Green color
3 acColorIndexOlive Olive color
4 acColorIndexDarkBlue Dark blue color
5 acColorIndexViolet Violet color
6 acColorIndexTeal Teal color
7 acColorIndexGray Gray color
8 acColorIndexSilver Silver color
9 acColorIndexRed Red color
10 acColorIndexBrightGreen Bright green color
11 acColorIndexYellow Yellow color
12 acColorIndexBlue Blue color
13 acColorIndexFuchsia Fuchsia color
14 acColorIndexAqua Aqua color
15 acColorIndexWhite White color


control type such as Label, Textbox, ComboBox, etc

Value Constant Description
100 acLabel Label
101 acRectangle Rectangle
102 acLine Line
103 acImage Image
104 acCommandButton Command Button
105 acOptionButton Option Button
106 acCheckBox Check Box
107 acOptionGroup Option Group
108 acBoundObjectFrame Bound Object Frame
109 acTextBox Text Box
110 acListBox List Box
111 acComboBox Combo Box
112 acSubform Subform
114 acObjectFrame Unbound Object Frame
118 acPageBreak Page Break
119 acCustomControl ActiveX
122 acToggleButton Toggle Button
123 acTabCtl Tab
124 acPage Page
126 acAttachment Attachment
127 acEmptyCell EmptyCell
128 acWebBrowser Web browser
129 acNavigationControl Navigation
130 acNavigationButton Navigation Button
133 AcChart Modern Chart


list choices for dash type

Value Constant Description
0 acDashTypeSolid Solid
1 acDashTypeDash Dash
2 acDashTypeDot Dot
3 acDashTypeDashDot Dash Dot


list choices for DATE grouping types

Value Constant Description
0 acDateGroupNone No date grouping
1 acDateGroupYear The date is grouped by year
2 acDateGroupQuarter The date is grouped by quarter
3 acDateGroupMonth The date is grouped by month
4 acDateGroupDay The date is grouped by day


Used with the HorizontalAnchor property to specify how a control is anchored horizontally within its layout

Value Constant Description
0 acHorizontalAnchorLeft The control is anchored to the left side of its layout.
1 acHorizontalAnchorRight The control is anchored to the right side of its layout.
2 acHorizontalAnchorBoth The control is stretched horizontally across its layout.


type of layout

Value Constant Description
0 acLayoutNone The control ism't part of a layout
1 acLayoutTabular The control is part of a tabular layout
2 acLayoutStacked The control is part of a stacked layout


position of a legend relative to its associated chart

Value Constant Description
0 acLegendPositionLeft Left edge of the chart
1 acLegendPositionTop Top edge of the chart
2 acLegendPositionRight Right edge of the chart
3 acLegendPositionBottom Bottom edge of the chart


marker shape for plotting a Line series

Value Constant Description
0 acMarkerNone None
1 acMarkerSquare Square
2 acMarkerDiamond Diamond
3 acMarkerTriangle Triangle
4 acMarkerX X
5 acMarkerAsterisk Asterisk
6 acMarkerShortDash Short Dash
7 acMarkerLongDash Long Dash
8 acMarkerCircle Circle
9 acMarkerPlus Plus


plotting strategy of a series when its chart type is acChartLine and values are missing

Value Constant Description
0 acPlotAsZero Plot as zero.
1 acDoNotPlot Do not plot.
2 acPlotAsInterpolated Plot as interpolated.


section of a form or report

Value Constant Description
0 acDetail detail section
1 acHeader header section
2 acFooter footer section
3 acPageHeader page header section
4 acPageFooter page footer section
5 acGroupLevel1Header Group-level 1 header section (Report)
6 acGroupLevel1Footer Group-level 1 footer section (Report)
7 acGroupLevel2Header Group-level 2 header section (Report)
8 acGroupLevel2Footer Group-level 2 footer section (Report)


type of trendline to render for a chart series

Value Constant Description
0 acTrendlineNone None
1 acTrendlineLinear Linear
2 acTrendlineExponential Exponential
3 acTrendlineLogarithmic Logarithmic
4 acTrendlinePolynomial Polynomial
5 acTrendlinePower Power
6 acTrendlineMovingAverage Moving Average


list of value axes in a chart

Value Constant Description
0 acPrimaryAxis Primary axis
1 acSecondaryAxis Secondary axis


Used with the VerticalAnchor property to specify how a control is anchored vertically within its layout

Value Constant Description
0 acVerticalAnchorTop The control is anchored at the top of its layout.
1 acVerticalAnchorBottom The control is anchored at the bottom of its layout.
2 acVerticalAnchorBoth The control is stretched vertically across its layout.


gridline style such as transparent (default), solid, dashes, etc

Value Description
0 Transparent (default)
1 Solid
2 Dashes
3 Short dashes
4 Dots
5 Sparse dots
6 Dash dot
7 Dash dot dot


gridline width

Value Description
0 Hairline. This is the narrowest border possible on your system.
1 The width is 1 point (default)
2 The width is 2 points
3 The width is 3 points
4 The width is 4 points
5 The width is 5 points
6 The width is 6 points


special effect such as flat or raised

Value Setting Description
0 Flat The object appears flat and has the system's default colors or custom colors that were set in Design view.
1 Raised The object has a highlight on the top and left and a shadow on the bottom and right.
2 Sunken The object has a shadow on the top and left and a highlight on the bottom and right.
3 Etched The object has a sunken line surrounding the control.
4 Shadowed The object has a shadow below and to the right of the control.
5 Chiseled The object has a sunken line below the control.

System Color constants

named constants for theme colors

Value Constant Description
-2147483648 vbScrollBars Scroll bar color
-2147483647 vbDesktop Desktop color
-2147483646 vbActiveTitleBar Color of the title bar for the active window
-2147483645 vbInactiveTitleBar Color of the title bar for the inactive window
-2147483644 vbMenuBar Menu background color
-2147483643 vbWindowBackground Window background color
-2147483642 vbWindowFrame Window frame color
-2147483641 vbMenuText Color of text on menus
-2147483640 vbWindowText Color of text in windows
-2147483639 vbTitleBarText Color of text in caption, size box, and scroll arrow
-2147483638 vbActiveBorder Border color of active window
-2147483637 vbInactiveBorder Border color of inactive window
-2147483636 vbApplicationWorkspace Background color of multiple-document interface (MDI) applications
-2147483635 vbHighlight Background color of items selected in a control
-2147483634 vbHighlightText Text color of items selected in a control
-2147483633 vbButtonFace Color of shading on the face of command buttons
-2147483632 vbButtonShadow Color of shading on the edge of command buttons
-2147483631 vbGrayText Grayed (disabled) text
-2147483630 vbButtonText Text color on push buttons
-2147483629 vbInactiveCaptionText Color of text in an inactive caption
-2147483628 vb3DHighlight Highlight color for 3-D display elements
-2147483627 vb3DDKShadow Darkest shadow color for 3-D display elements
-2147483626 vb3DLight Second lightest 3-D color after vb3DHighlight
-2147483625 vbInfoText Color of text in ToolTips
-2147483624 vbInfoBackground Background color of ToolTips


index values corresponding to a theme description such as Text 1 or Accent 4

Value Description
-1 No Theme
0 Text 1
1 Background 1
2 Text 2
3 Background 2
4 Accent 1
5 Accent 2
6 Accent 3
7 Accent 4
8 Accent 5
9 Accent 6
10 Hyperlink
11 Followed Hyperlink

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A Modern Chart object has the following events:

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A Modern Chart object has the following methods

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Like many others, I used to skip charting with Access and go straight to Excel ... not any more.

I've used classic charts a long time (many years). For flexibility and variety, modern charts are a bit disappointing. However, modern charts are nice when you want to put them in the detail section of a continuous form since that's something you can't do with classic charts. Modern charts also have a PreviewLiveData property (default = True) so you see changes in the design view as you make them. Modern charts have the basics, so they can display what you'll want in most cases.

CAUTION: before you UNDO on a Modern Chart, save your form or report! UNDO might go back too far and if that happens, the best way to recover might be to close without saving, then go to design and manually change what you last did instead. Save often! ... everytime you like it, save it!

I might have gotten a bit carried away with changing the data type in some of the properties listed to what made better sense. Often, Help doesn't specify the data type and guesses had to be made since enumerations seem to report byte too often. There is more research, testing, and documentation to do! Data Type is pretty important to get right. I've done my best to be accurate. If you see errors, please let me know, thanks.

This is a long page, and took a long time to create. If you find it useful, share the link and pass it forward. Support this site ~ thanks

ps, I still use classic charts since they're more powerful, programmable, and still supported! Many seem to find the modern charts easier to create and change, and they definitely look better out of the gate.

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Get Help with Access and charting data

Let's connect and team-develop your application together. I teach you how to do it yourself. While we build something great together, I'll pull in code and features from my vast libraries as needed, cutting out lots of development time.

Do you want to add charts to your database? A picture is worth a thousand words, especially if there are a bunch of numbers to make sense of. I can help. I'll share visualization ideas with you and show you how to make it happen. Email me at

Donations are much appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.

~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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