syntax for basic Basic SQL Ms Access Gurus

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Basic SQL Syntax for Access

Syntax for basic SQL statements in Access. SQL = Structured Query Language

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Basic SQL

Here is basic SQL for a query.

SELECT fieldlist
FROM tablename
IN 'path\anotherdatabase.accdb'
WHERE criteria
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING criteria for fields that are grouped (aggregated)
ORDER BY fieldlist;


is a list of fields or expressions separated by a comma

is a fully qualified name of a file, delimited with a single quote

is how you want to limit the records returned

The SELECT clause is always required.
All other clauses are optional if SELECT only contains expressions that don't require a table to calculate

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Steps to create a new query from SQL

  1. Create ribbon
  2. from Queries group, choose Query Design
  3. right-click in top pane for sources and, from shortcut menu choose SQL View, or switch to SQL View using the Home or Query Design ribbon
  4. copy the SQL and paste
    be sure not to keep any characters before the word SELECT, or after the terminating semi-colon ;
  5. switch to Datasheet View to look at results
  6. save the query if you want

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You can create a query in any database from this SQL without using any table -- so there is only a SELECT clause because all the columns use calculated expressions that don't depend on any table. All the expressions report information pertaining to the current date.

SELECT Date() AS DateToday
, Format(Date(),"ddd") AS DayName
, Format(Date(),"d") AS DayNumberInMonth
, Format(Date(),"mmmm") AS MonthName
, Format(Date(),"yyyy") AS Yr;

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Access SQL: basic concepts, vocabulary, and syntax

Access SQL

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Understanding basic SQL is very helpful

Access has a wonderful graphical query designer! Good to take advantage of it. However, realize that what Access stores to get the data is the SQL statement, so if you plan to develop, good to switch to SQL view to see how everything is specified.

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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