blue and yellow meter drawn by Access Ms Access Gurus

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Draw Dynamic Meters in Access

Meters are perfect to visualize fractions and percentages. Call code to draw a dynamic meter based on your data. Zero is at the top with values increasing clockwise. Value is a fraction greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. Choose colors and size.

The code that does the drawing is all in one module you can import into your projects. It uses Circle, Line, and Print methods.

Use dynamic meters on an Access report

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Download zipped BAS file you can import into your Access projects:

Download zipped CLS file you can reference when creating code behind reports:

Download zipped ACCDB file with sample data, a report, and a module:

If you have trouble with a download, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the file. Here are steps to do that:

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Try it yourself

Open the sample report in Print Preview. Drawings change based on whatever value is passed. A textbox control with a value is displayed above each drawing, but it could be hidden, or used as a container for the drawing instead of using a separate label control.

Go into the design view of the sample report. Change sizes of the label controls in the Detail section that mark where drawings will go. Look at the Print Preview. Drawings are scaled to fit.


Open sample report as a PDF. Currently all drawings are the same size but they could be different.

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Code Behind Report

Draw dynamic meters on a report using the Detail_Format event

'*************** Code Start CBR ***********************************************
' Purpose  : code behind a report that calls Draw_Meter_s4p
'              to draw dynamic meters with specified colors
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Detail_Format
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer,FormatCount As Integer) 
'221127 crystal
'draw dynamic meters in the detail section of a report
   '  Draw_Meter_s4p
   '  global vriables defined in bas_Draw_Meter_s4p
   Dim dbValue As Double 

   'in each case, the dimensions for the meter use a Label control
   'a control makes it easier to visualize
   'but wouldn't be necessary
Red and gold dynamic meters on an Access report
    '----- 1
   dbValue = Nz(Me.Value1,0) 
   'black center and tick marks
   'font is 20 points and white
   Call Draw_Meter_s4p( _ 
      Me _ 
      ,Me.Label1 _ 
      ,dbValue _ 
      ,gColorRed,gColorGold _ 
      ,Format(dbValue, "0%") _ 
Blue dynamic meters on an Access report
   '----- 2
   dbValue = Nz(Me.Value2,0) 
   Call Draw_Meter_s4p( _ 
      Me _ 
      ,Me.Label2 _ 
      ,dbValue _ 
      ,gColorBluePowder,gColorBlueLight _ 
      ,Format(dbValue, "0%")) 

Purple dynamic meters on an Access report
   '----- 3
   dbValue = Nz(Me.Value3,0) 
   Call Draw_Meter_s4p( _ 
      Me _ 
      ,Me.Label3 _ 
      ,dbValue _ 
      ,gColorPurple,gColorPurpleLight _ 
      ,Format(dbValue, "0%")) 

Blue and yellow dynamic meters on an Access report
   '----- 4
   dbValue = Nz(Me.Value4,0) 
   Call Draw_Meter_s4p( _ 
      Me _ 
      ,Me.Label4 _ 
      ,dbValue _ 
      ,gColorBlueRoyal,gColorYellow _ 
      ,Format(dbValue, "0%")) 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************

Standard Module

'*************** Code Start ***************************************************
' Purpose  : draw a meter visualizing a value from 0 to 1.00
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Global variables
Public Const InchToTWIP As Integer = 1440  'not used but could be
Public Const PI As Double = 3.14159 
Public Const gZero As Single = 0.0000001 

Public gXCenter As Single,gYCenter As Single _ 
      ,gRadius As Single 
Public gXLeft As Single,gYTop As Single _ 
   ,gXWidth As Single,gYHeight As Single 
Public gValueDbl As Double 

Public Const gColorWhite As Long = 16777215  'RGB(255, 255, 255)

Public Const gColorRed As Long = 3610851  'RGB(227, 24, 55)
Public Const gColorGold As Long = 8509695  'RGB(255, 216, 129)

Public Const gColorBluePowder As Long = 13008896  'RGB(0, 128, 198)
Public Const gColorBlueLight As Long = 16774885  'RGB(229, 246, 255)

Public Const gColorPurple As Long = 8595023  'RGB(79, 38, 131)
Public Const gColorPurpleLight As Long = 16443120  'RGB(240, 230, 250)

Public Const gColorBlueRoyal As Long = 13120000  'RGB(0, 50, 200)
Public Const gColorYellow As Long = 65535  'RGB(255, 255, 0)

'           Draw_Meter_s4p
Public Sub Draw_Meter_s4p(poReport As Report _ 
   ,poControl As Control _ 
   ,Optional pdbValue As Double = -1 _ 
   ,Optional pnColor1 As Long = 0 _ 
   ,Optional pnColor2 As Long = 14211288 _ 
   ,Optional psText As String =  "" _ 
   ,Optional piFontSize As Integer = 14 _ 
   ,Optional piFontColor As Long = 0 _ 
   ,Optional piTickColor As Long = gColorWhite _ 
'220617 strive4peace, 220620, 221126, 221127
'draw a Meter. ZERO at Top
   '  poReport is the Report object
   '  poControl is a Control object. It will define coordinates
   '  pdbValue is fraction using color 1 (percent)
   '           if < 0 then read value from control
   '           To skip reading, send any number >=0
   '  pnColor1 = color that is ON
   '     Default is black
   '  pnColor2 = color that is OFF
   '     Default is light gray.
   '     Make this same as section BackColor if you don't want it to show
   '  psText is text to write in the middle
   '  piFontSize is font size to use for text
   '  piFontColor default is black
   '  piTickColor is color to use for tick marks. Default=white
   '  gXCenter
   '  gYCenter
   '  gRadius is radius for the circle (twips)
   '  ReadScale
   '  SetCenter

   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   'sgRatio= ratio of inside white circle to circle
   'iTickMarks is the number of tick marks
   'X and Y are for Line tick marks
   'sgAngle is to calculate X and Y
   'iStartEnd is 1 for start angle, 2 for end angle
   'iSet=1 is 1 or 2
   'iMaxSet=1 unless 2 wedges need to be drawn since translating
   'nColorWhite is long for White color
   Dim sgRatio As Single _ 
      ,sgRadiusMiddle As Single _ 
      ,x As Single,y As Single _ 
      ,sgAngle As Single _ 
      ,i As Integer _ 
      ,iTickMarks As Integer _ 
      ,iStartEnd As Integer  ' _
      ,nColorWhite As Long 

   'angle 1. start or 2. end
   'Circle can't go past 2 pi
   '  it's starting at pi/2
   '  and changing to be clockwise
   ' angle start,end
   Dim asgAngle(1 To 2) As Single 
   'control passed -- get boundaries
   If pdbValue < 0 Then 
      'Flag. Negative means read control value
      '0 is a real value that the meter could be
      'read scale and value from control
      Call ReadScale(poControl,True) 
      pdbValue = CDbl(gValueDbl) 
      'zero or positive number
      If pdbValue <= 1 Then 
         'value is between 0 and 1 -- ok!
      ElseIf pdbValue <= 1.0001 Then 
         'close enough to be 1
         pdbValue = 1 
      ElseIf pdbValue < 100 Then 
         'turn % into fraction if <=100%
         pdbValue = pdbValue / 100 
      ElseIf pdbValue <= 100.0001 Then 
         pdbValue = 1 
         'value too high
         pdbValue = 1 
      End If 
      Call ReadScale(poControl,False) 
   End If 
   Call SetCenter  'set gXCenter, gYCenter, gRadius
   sgRatio = 0.6 
   sgRadiusMiddle = sgRatio * gRadius 
   iTickMarks = 10 

   With poReport 
      .ScaleMode = 1  'twips
      .DrawWidth = 1  'pixel

      .FillStyle = 0  'Opaque
      'this is done to keep circle >0 and <=2*pi
      'since angle can't be negative
      If pdbValue < 0.25 Then 
         'value in first quadrant
         'draw unslected as background then selected on top
         .FillColor = pnColor2 
         poReport.Circle (gXCenter,gYCenter) _ 
            ,gRadius _ 
         If pdbValue > 0 Then 
            asgAngle(1) = PI / 2 - pdbValue * 2 * PI 
            asgAngle(2) = PI / 2 
            If asgAngle(1) = 0 Then asgAngle(1) = gZero 
            .FillColor = pnColor1 
            '.Circle Step (x,y), Radius, Color, StartAngle, EndAngle, Aspect
            poReport.Circle (gXCenter,gYCenter) _ 
               ,gRadius _ 
               ,pnColor1 _ 
               ,-asgAngle(1) _ 
         End If 
         'draw selected as background then unslected on top
         .FillColor = pnColor1 
         poReport.Circle (gXCenter,gYCenter) _ 
            ,gRadius _ 
         If (1 - pdbValue) > 0.0001 Then 
            asgAngle(1) = PI / 2 
            asgAngle(2) = PI / 2 + (1 - pdbValue) * 2 * PI 
            If asgAngle(2) = 0 Then asgAngle(2) = gZero 
            .FillColor = pnColor2 
            '.Circle Step (x,y), Radius, Color, StartAngle, EndAngle, Aspect
            poReport.Circle (gXCenter,gYCenter) _ 
               ,gRadius _ 
               ,pnColor2 _ 
               ,-asgAngle(1) _ 
         End If 
      End If 
      'draw circle in the middle
      'same color as tick marks
      .FillColor = piTickColor 
      poReport.Circle (gXCenter,gYCenter) _ 
         ,sgRadiusMiddle _ 

      'draw tick marks
      sgAngle = PI / 2 
      For i = 0 To iTickMarks - 1 
         x = gXCenter + Cos(sgAngle) * gRadius 
         y = gYCenter + Sin(sgAngle) * gRadius 
         poReport.Line (gXCenter,gYCenter)-(x,y) _ 
         sgAngle = sgAngle - 2 * PI / iTickMarks 
      Next i 
      If psText <>  "" Then 
         .ForeColor = piFontColor 
         .FontSize = piFontSize 
         .CurrentX = gXCenter - .TextWidth(psText) / 2 
         .CurrentY = gYCenter - .TextHeight(psText) / 2 
         .Print psText 
      End If 
   End With 
   On Error GoTo 0 
   Exit Sub 
   Debug.Print  "* Error ",pdbValue 
   MsgBox Err.Description _ 
       ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Draw_Meter_s4p"

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 

'           ReadScale
', Optional pbGetValue As Boolean = True)
Public Sub ReadScale(oControl As Control _ 
   ,Optional pReadValue As Boolean = False) 

'220618 s4p
'read control Scale, set global variables
'first step
   With oControl 
      gXLeft = .Left 
      gYTop = .Top 
      gXWidth = .Width 
      gYHeight = .Height 
      If pReadValue <> False Then 
         On Error Resume Next  'skip error if value can't be read
         gValueDbl = Nz(.Value,0) 
      End If 
   End With 
   On Error GoTo 0 
End Sub 

'           SetCenter
Public Sub SetCenter( _ 
   Optional piQtyX As Integer = 1 _ 
   ,Optional piQtyY As Integer = 1 _ 
'220618 strive4peace
'calculate gXCenter, gYCenter, gRadius
'  from global variables
'optionally, send number of objects if not 1
'  such as Stoplight has piQtyY=3

   gXCenter = gXLeft + gXWidth / 2 
   gYCenter = gYTop + gYHeight / 2 

   If gXWidth / piQtyX < gYHeight / piQtyY Then 
      gRadius = gXWidth / piQtyX / 2 
      gRadius = gYHeight / piQtyY / 2 
   End If 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************
' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.

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Drawing Reference on MsAccessGurus

Report Draw Reference for VBA syntax and help for drawing on Access reports.

Circle method

Line method

Print method

FillColor property

FillStyle property

CurrentX property

CurrentY property

TextWidth method

TextHeight method

ForeColor property

FontSize property

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Drawing is fun, and everybody loves visualizations. I hope you enjoy putting meters into your Access reports.

To follow the math, it helps to know trigonometry. For a refresher, here is a rather elementary video tutorial:

Unit Circle video tutorial (37:06)

Starts out really easy and silly -- even a 5-yr old could understand! And then it progressively gets into higher math. All objects in the video were drawn with Access -- from the stickman who goes on adventures around the coordinate system to clouds, wind, rainbow, sunshine, pot of gold and even all the little coins. If you can imagine it, Access can do it!

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Get Help with Access and drawing

Let's connect and team-develop your application together. I teach you how to do it yourself. My goal is to empower you.

While we build something great together, I'll pull in code and features from my vast libraries as needed, cutting out lots of development time. I'll give you lots of links to good resources.

Do you want your reports to be more creative and visual? I'd love to help you. Email me at

~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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