Debug Window showing each character and its ASCII Value Ms Access Gurus

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What is ASCII for each character?

When strings don't behave like you expect, use VBA code to show each character, its ASCII value, and position in the string. These results are written to the Debug/Immediate window.

Press Ctrl-G to Go to DebuG window, and show results in the Immediate window

ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange

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The code loops through each character of a string. Each character is displayed on one line with added spacing. Under each character is its ASCII value, and then under that it its position in the string.

First, the text to evaluate is displayed and then a blank line. Then there are sets of 3 lines.

  1. character(s) separated by specified or default spacing (piTabSpace)
  2. ASCII code under character
  3. character position number(s)

This example has several TAB characters that are throwing the displayed spacing off. Where are they? TAB = chr(9)

text with TAB characters in odd places

This output is formatted different than easier-to-write code to show the ASCII value of each character, which usually prints vertically maybe similar to this:

             s    115
             t    116
             r    114
             i    105
             n    110
             g    103 

Vertical ouptut is ok for short information, but what if you're looking for odd characters in longer text, you might find this output easier to read.


string with no suspicious characters. Space = chr(32)

text with normal characters, output in Debug window with ASCII and position

string with carriage return and line feed, chr(13) + chr(10)

text with CRLF, output in Debug window with character, ASCII and position


Pass a string that you want to inspect to the WriteAscii_s4p procedure.

Optionally, you can set how wide the output will be and the spacing between each column of information under each character.

Optional Parameters

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'*************** Code Start *****************************************************
' Purpose  : show each character, its ASCII value, and position in the string
'              in the Debug (Immediate) window
'              control spacing with Tab
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.

Sub WriteAscii_s4p(pvString As Variant _ 
      ,Optional piLastStartPosition As Integer = 80 _ 
      ,Optional piTabSpace As Integer = 4 _ 
'show each character, ASCII value and position
'  in the Debug (Immediate) window
'171106 strive4peace, 221118
   '  pvString is the string to loop each character
   '  piLastStartPosition is last position
   '        on line to start writing character
   '  piTabSpace is horizontal space between
   '        start of each character
   If IsMissing(pvString) _ 
      Or IsNull(pvString) _ 
   Then Exit Sub 
   Dim i As Integer _ 
      ,iPosition As Integer _ 
      ,sCharacter As String * 1 _ 
      ,sAsciiValues As String _ 
      ,sCharacterNumbers As String _ 
      ,sSpaceAfterASCII As String 
   sSpaceAfterASCII = Space(piTabSpace - 3) 
   'show string
   Debug.Print String(piLastStartPosition, "=") 
   Debug.Print pvString 
   iPosition = 1 
   sAsciiValues =  ""
   For i = 1 To Len(pvString) 
      sCharacter = Mid(pvString,i,1) 
      'make sure start position isn't past desired end
      If iPosition >= piLastStartPosition Then 
         If sAsciiValues <>  "" Then 
            Debug.Print   'end line of characters
            Debug.Print sAsciiValues  'ASCII values
            Debug.Print sCharacterNumbers  'character numbers
            Debug.Print  'blank line
            sAsciiValues =  ""
            sCharacterNumbers =  ""
            'reset position
            iPosition = 1 
         End If 
      End If 
      Debug.Print Tab(iPosition); sCharacter; 
      'string with ASCII codes
      sAsciiValues = sAsciiValues _ 
            & Format(Asc(sCharacter), "000") _ 
            & sSpaceAfterASCII 
      'string with character numbers
      sCharacterNumbers = sCharacterNumbers _ 
         & Format(i, "0") _ 
         & Space(piTabSpace - Len(CStr(i))) 
      'increment position for next character
      iPosition = iPosition + piTabSpace  'next
   Next i 
   If sAsciiValues <>  "" Then  'iPosition<=1?
      Debug.Print  'end line
      Debug.Print sCharacterNumbers 
      Debug.Print sAsciiValues 
   End If 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *******************************************************
Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.

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Mid statement

Asc function

IsNull function

Space function

String function

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Download text file with code:

If you have trouble with the download, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the BAS file. Here are steps to do that:

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Troubleshoot output character by character

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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