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Write Access Query To Word Bookmark using VBA

Write the results of a query in Access to a new table in a Word document after a specified bookmark. Additional formatting like borders and shading is the default but optional.

Code creates a table in Word using data from a query. Heading row labels are the query field names and the data is written in rows. When done, columns are best-fit.

If you want to call another procedure such as do special formatting on all cells in a column, there is an example in the code that you can comment or customize. Best to write the data then format it.

use VBA to Write results of an Access Query To Word Bookmark

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'*************** Code Start *****************************************************
' module name: bas_Word_QueryToTableBookmark_s4p
' 240820
'  NEEDS REFERENCE for early binding
'     Microsoft Word #.# Object Library
' Purpose  : VBA to create a table in Word with results from an Access query
'              optionally add Caption
'              optionally add borders and shading to first row
'              optionally add special formatting, such as cells in a column
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Use at your own risk.
'   write a specified query to a new table in Word and then do some additional formatting.
'   put the table after a bookmark so it doesn't replace it.
'   After writing the table, it can do additional formatting for particular columns

'           TO TEST EXAMPLE, as written:*
'  1. create a query in a database that has relationships
'  query name: zq_MyExampleQuery
'     uncomment only SQL block, copy, comment SQL block again,
'        paste into SQL view of new query,
'     switch to datasheet view to make sure you get data,
'        save as zq_MyExampleQuery

'                SQL:

'SELECT [szReferencedObject] & "." & [szReferencedColumn] AS Master
', [szObject] & "." & [szColumn] AS Child
', m.icolumn AS ColNbr, m.[ccolumn] AS ColCount
'FROM MSysRelationships AS m
'WHERE ((([szReferencedObject] & "." & [szReferencedColumn]) Not Like "MSys*"))
'ORDER BY IIf([ccolumn]>1,[szRelationship],[szReferencedObject] & [szReferencedColumn] & [szObject] & [szColumn])
', m.szRelationship, m.icolumn;

'  2. In Word, make a bookmark in your active Word document named:
'                     MyTable
'        from ribbon: Insert, Bookmark (Links group), [enter Bookmark name] and click Add
'  3. REFERENCE Microsoft Word #.# Object Library (for early binding) -- Tools, References
'  4. Debug, Compile, Save
'  5. modify CUSTOMIZE stuff in Word_QueryToTableBookmark_s4p
'  6. then, compile, fix if necessary, save, and run Word_QueryToTableBookmark_s4p
'  after the code successfully runs, look at the document that was just modified
'           Word_QueryToTableBookmark_s4p
Public Sub Word_QueryToTableBookmark_s4p() 
'240811 strive4peace ... 240818, 240820
   'Press F5 to run

' --- CUSTOMIZE sQueryname, sBookmark. Caption, special formatting ---
' make a table in the active Word Document
' after the specified bookmark, make new paragraph,
'     then create table with data
'        with or without caption,
'        with or without borders and shading
'        with or without special formatting
' data is result from a query
' customize this logic to send information from. for instance:
'     a table with Bookmark and Query names
'        and maybe also:
'           Caption, or first part of
'           custom logic for special formatting
   ' CALLs
   '     GetWordTableNew_s4p
   '     WordTableBorders_s4p
   '     Word_CustomFormatColumn_s4p ' for additional formatting if desired
   '     GetWordActiveDocument_s4p
   '        for the example code
   '        not needed if you set document object another way
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   'early binding
   Dim oDoc As Word.Document 
   Dim oRange As Word.Range 
   Dim oTable As Word.Table 
   Dim db As DAO.Database _ 
      ,rs As DAO.Recordset 
   Dim nRows As Long _ 
      ,nRow As Long _ 
      ,nCols As Long _ 
      ,nCol As Long _ 
      ,i As Integer _ 
      ,sQueryname As String _ 
      ,sBookmark As String _ 
      ,sCaption As String _ 
      ,sText As String 

   '------------------------- CUSTOMIZE
   'whatever query or table name you want
   ' could also be an SQL statement
   sQueryname =  "zq_MyExampleQuery"
   'your bookmark name
   sBookmark =  "MyTable" 'or whatever
   Set db = CurrentDb 
   'dbOpenSnapshot loads all the records
   '  since we have to count them
   Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sQueryname,dbOpenSnapshot) 
   With rs 
      nRows = .RecordCount 
      nCols = .Fields.Count 
   End With 
   If Not nRows > 0 Then 
      MsgBox sQueryname &  " doesn't have data" _ 
      ,, "Error"
      GoTo Proc_Exit 
   End If 
   '===================================== remove if you pass the document object
   'get Word ActiveDocument
   Set oDoc = GetWordActiveDocument_s4p() 
   If oDoc Is Nothing Then 
      'Word isn't open or no active document - already got message
      GoTo Proc_Exit 
   End If 
   '  --------------- mark spot for table
   'set range to bookmark range
   Set oRange = oDoc.Bookmarks(sBookmark).Range 
   'add blank row before table
   oRange.Collapse 0   'collapse to end
   '------------------------- CUSTOMIZE
   sCaption = sQueryname &  " (" _ 
      & nRows &  " rows, " & nCols &  " columns)"
   'this example has a heading row
   nRows = nRows + 1   'add 1 for column headings
   '  --------------- Make table
   'make table with specified number of rows and columns
   '  and caption, borders, shading for header row
   Set oTable = GetWordTableNew_s4p( _ 
       oRange _ 
      ,nRows _ 
      ,nCols _ 
      ,sCaption _ 
      ,True _ 
   '  --------------- Write data
   With oTable 
      'column headings -- use query field names
      nRow = 1 
      For nCol = 1 To nCols 
         .Cell(nRow,nCol).Range.Text = rs.Fields(nCol - 1).Name 
      Next nCol 
      Do While Not rs.EOF 
         nRow = nRow + 1 
         For nCol = 1 To nCols 
            .Cell(nRow,nCol).Range.Text = rs.Fields(nCol - 1).Value 
         Next nCol 
      Loop   'rs
   End With 

   '================================== CUSTOMIZE - special formatting
   ' comment if not desired
   ' add Bold and Italics to cells in column 1 starting with row 2
   ' data is delimited with .
   Call Word_CustomFormatColumn_s4p(oDoc,oTable, "BoldItalic",1,2, ".") 
   'best-fit columns

   MsgBox  "Done making table in Word",, "Done"

   On Error Resume Next 
   'release object variables
   Set oTable = Nothing 
   Set oRange = Nothing 
   Set oDoc = Nothing 
   If Not rs Is Nothing Then 
      Set rs = Nothing 
   End If 
   Set db = Nothing 
   On Error GoTo 0 
   Exit Sub 
   Select Case Err.Number 
   Case 5941 
      MsgBox  "Bad bookmark name: " & sBookmark 
   Case Else 
      MsgBox Err.Description,, _ 
           "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
           &  "   Word_QueryToTableBookmark_s4p "
   End Select 
   Resume Proc_Exit 
   'if you break on error, set Resume to be Next Statement
   'then single-step (F8) to see what caused the problem
End Sub 

'           GetWordTableNew_s4p
Public Function GetWordTableNew_s4p(oRange As Word.Range _ 
   ,ByVal pnRows As Long _ 
   ,ByVal pnCols As Long _ 
   ,Optional ByVal psCaption As String =  "" _ 
   ,Optional pbDoBorders As Boolean = True _ 
   ,Optional pbHeaderRow As Boolean = True _ 
   ,Optional psCaptionPrefix As String =  ". " _ 
   ,Optional ByVal paHeadArray As Variant _ 
   ) As Word.Table 
'strive4peace 240811, 14, 18 pbHeaderRow, psCaptionPrefix
' modified from code posted here:
'create a table in Word and return the table object

   '  oRange is a range object where to insert table
   '  pnRows is a long integer number of rows
   '  pnCols is a long integer number of columns
   '  psCaption is a caption
   '  pbDoBorders = True to add borders
   '  pbHeaderRow = True to mark and header row and add shading 
   '  psCaptionPrefix = characters to write before caption, if specified
   '  paHeadArray is a Variant array with column headings
   Dim i As Integer _ 
      ,iCol As Integer 
   'insert table
   With oRange.Document 
      Set GetWordTableNew_s4p = .Tables.Add( _ 
         Range:=oRange _ 
         ,NumRows:=pnRows _ 
         ,NumColumns:=pnCols _ 
   End With 
   If (psCaption <>  "") Then 
      'insert caption
      ' Position: WdCaptionPosition
      ' 0 = wdCaptionPositionAbove, 1=below
      GetWordTableNew_s4p.Range.InsertCaption _ 
            Label:= "Table" _ 
            ,Title:=psCaptionPrefix & psCaption _ 
            ,Position:=0 _ 
   End If 
   With GetWordTableNew_s4p 
'      .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True 'doesn't work in 2007
      .TopPadding = 0 
      .BottomPadding = 0 
      .LeftPadding = 2   'points
      .RightPadding = 2 
      .Spacing = 0   'Auto
      .AllowPageBreaks = True 
      .AllowAutoFit = False 

      'dont allow rows to break
      .Rows.AllowBreakAcrossPages = False 
      '2 points above and below paragraphs
      .Range.Paragraphs.SpaceBefore = 2 
      .Range.Paragraphs.SpaceAfter = 2 
      'Vertical Alignment
      ' 0=wdCellAlignVerticalTop
      ' 1=wdCellAlignVerticalCenter
      .Range.Cells.VerticalAlignment = 0 
      'write labels if passed, which they usually won't be
      If Not IsMissing(paHeadArray) Then 
         iCol = 1 
         For i = LBound(paHeadArray) To UBound(paHeadArray) 
            .Cell(1,iCol).Range.Text = paHeadArray(i) 
            iCol = iCol + 1 
         Next i   'array element
      End If 
      ' borders if pbDoBorders, shading if pbHeaderRow
      If pbDoBorders Then 
         Call WordTableBorders_s4p(GetWordTableNew_s4p,pbHeaderRow) 
      End If 
      '240811 AutoFit columns if paHeadArray was passed
      If Not IsMissing(paHeadArray) Then 
         'best-fit columns for column headings
         '  and/or do after data written
      End If 
   End With 
End Function 

'           WordTableBorders_s4p
'Object is Word.Table
Public Sub WordTableBorders_s4p(oTable As Object _ 
   ,Optional pbHeaderRow As Boolean = True _ 
's4p 170811, 240818 pbHeaderRow
   Dim i As Integer 
   With oTable 
      For i = 1 To 6 
         'wdBorderTop =-1
         'wdBorderLeft = -2
         'wdBorderBottom =-3
         'wdBorderRight= -4
         'wdBorderHorizontal = -5
         'wdBorderVertical = -6
         With .Borders(-i) 
            .LineStyle = 1    'wdLineStyleSingle=1
            .LineWidth = 8   'wdLineWidth100pt=8. wdLineWidth150pt=12
            .Color = RGB(200,200,200)  'medium-light gray
         End With 
      Next i 
   End With 
   'mark heading row
   If pbHeaderRow <> False Then   'True
      With oTable.Rows(1) 
         'Heading Row
         .HeadingFormat = True 
         'Shading for header row
         .Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = RGB(232,232,232) 
         'change main borders to black for first row
         For i = 1 To 4 
            With .Borders(-i) 
               .Color = 0        'wdColorBlack = 0
            End With 
         Next i 
      End With   'first row
   End If 
   'Not used:
'      'wdLineStyleNone = 0
'      .Borders(-7).LineStyle = 0 'wdBorderDiagonalDown =-7
'      .Borders(-8).LineStyle = 0 'wdBorderDiagonalUp =-8
End Sub 

'           Word_CustomFormatColumn_s4p
Sub Word_CustomFormatColumn_s4p(poDoc As Word.Document _ 
   ,poTable As Word.Table _ 
   ,psMyCustom As String _ 
   ,Optional pnColumnNumber As Long = 1 _ 
   ,Optional pnRowStart As Long = 2 _ 
   ,Optional psDelimiter As String =  "." _ 
'additional formatting for each cell in a column of a Word table

   '  poDoc = Word document object
   '  poTable = Word table object
   '  psMyCustom = your custom code to send so this procedure knows what to do
   '  pnColumnNumber = column number for formatting
   '  pnRowStart = row to start formatting. Default=2 assuming header row
   '  psDelimiter = string to look for to separate special formatting, Default is period .

   '================================== OPTIONAL FORMATTING
   ' customized to add Bold and Italics to cells in specified column when done
   '  for psMyCustom = BoldItalic
   ' although this example applies different formatting to parts of text in a cell,
   ' you could choose the same formatting for the whole cell
   Dim nRow As Long _ 
      ,iPosition As Integer _ 
      ,sMsg As String _ 
      ,sText As String 

   With poTable 
      For nRow = pnRowStart To .Rows.Count     ' nRows
         Select Case psMyCustom 
         Case  "BoldItalic"  '----------------- CUSTOMIZE for your needs
            'Bold 1st part and Italicize 2nd part if delimiter found
            With .Cell(nRow,pnColumnNumber) 
               sText = .Range.Text 
               'look for delimiter
               iPosition = InStr(sText,psDelimiter) 
               If iPosition > 0 Then 
                  'Bold first part
                  poDoc.Range(.Range.Start,.Range.Start + iPosition - 1).Font.Bold = True 
                  'Italics second part
                  poDoc.Range(.Range.Start + iPosition,.Range.End).Font.Italic = True 
               End If 
            End With   'cell
         Case Else 
            sMsg =  "code for " & psMyCustom &  " not found"
            Debug.Print  "Error Word_CustomFormatColumn_s4p: " & sMsg 
            MsgBox sMsg _ 
               ,, "Error Word_CustomFormatColumn_s4p"
            Exit Sub 
         End Select   'Custom
      Next nRow 
   End With   'poTable
End Sub 

'           GetWordActiveDocument_s4p
Private Function GetWordActiveDocument_s4p() As Word.Document 
'240811 strive4peace
'return ActiveDocument in Word
'this isn't necessary when you already have a Document object

   Dim oWord As Word.Application 
   'Initialize Word
   On Error Resume Next 
   Set oWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application") 
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   If oWord Is Nothing Then 
      MsgBox  "Word isn't open",, "Can't get Word Object"
      Exit Function 
   End If 
   'still here -- see if any docs open
   With oWord 
      If Not .Documents.Count > 0 Then 
         MsgBox  "No ActiveDocument in Word" _ 
            ,, "Can't get Word ActiveDocument"
         Exit Function 
      End If 
      Set GetWordActiveDocument_s4p = .ActiveDocument 
   End With 

   On Error Resume Next 
   Set oWord = Nothing 
   On Error GoTo 0 
   Exit Function 
   MsgBox Err.Description _ 
       ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Word_Set _ActiveDocument"

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Function 

'*************** Code End ******************************************************
' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access

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Microsoft Learn

Help: Tables.Add method (Word)

Help: Table.Borders property (Word)

Help: Range.InsertCaption method (Word)

Help: Range object (Word)

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It's convenient to have a list of queries and bookmark names in Word where they will go. This example specifies data you can CUSTOMIZE such as query and bookmark names, but you could easily change it to loop.

Do you have tables with additional formatting requirements? No problem. An example how to handle that is included too.

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