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Interact with the Active Document in Word to show and hide various things quickly like field codes, bookmark indicators, paragraph and space markers, Navigation pane, rulers, comments, ...
Word has lots of great features that can be conveniently controlled using VBA instead of jumping around the ribbons to find what you need.
Access form that interacts with the Active Document in Word to show and hide various things.
Access database file has just one form with all the VBA code behind it. Open on its own or add to another application you're building. Uses late binding with Word, which can be changed to early binding for intellisense.
This may be used freely, but you may not sell it in whole or in part. You may include it in applications you develop for others provided you keep attribution, mark your modifications, and share this source link.
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
watch on YouTube: Show or Hide in Word from Access using VBA (10:22)
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '250326 ' works in Word if there is an open document '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' cbf: f_aWord_ShowHide_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to show or hide stuff in active Word document from Access ' Field Codes, Bookmark Indicators, Nonprinting symbols ' Navigation Pane, Rulers, Comments, more ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' This tool: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_ShowHide.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Module variables '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' NEED REFERENCE to: ' Microsoft Word #.# Object Library ' if you want to use EARLY binding ' late binding Dim moWord As Object 'Word.Application Dim moDoc As Object 'Word.Document '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Form_Load '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub Form_Load() '240821 strive4peace Set moWord = Nothing Set moDoc = Nothing Call ClearMyValues 'populate controls based on values from active Word document Call ReadMyValues End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cmd_Word Private Sub cmd_Word_Click() '250308 'load and read everything again Call Form_Load End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' frames '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fraFieldShading Private Sub fraFieldShading_AfterUpdate() '240824, 50305 If Not isDocGood Then Exit Sub Dim nFieldShading As Long nFieldShading = Me.fraFieldShading With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .FieldShading <> nFieldShading Then .FieldShading = nFieldShading End If End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fraMarkup Private Sub fraMarkup_AfterUpdate() '240825, 50305 If Not isDocGood Then Exit Sub Dim nValue As Long nValue = Nz(Me.ActiveControl,-99) With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View.RevisionsFilter If nValue = -1 Then 'original .View = 1 'wdRevisionsViewOriginal .Markup = 0 'wdRevisionsMarkupNone Else .View = 0 'wdRevisionsViewFinal .Markup = nValue End If End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' SetCaption_Toggle '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Function SetCaption_Toggle( _ pControl As Control _ ,Optional ByRef pbValue As Boolean _ ,Optional ByRef pbReadValue As Boolean = True _ ) As Boolean '240823, 24, 250228 pbValue, 305 ByVal, 250306, 7 'read toggle control value ' show HEAVY CHECK MARK or not in Caption ' PARAMETERs ' pControl = toggle control on this form ' OPTIONAL ' pbValue is defined boolean ' pbReadValue is TRUE unless value to use is passed by pbValue ' CALLs ' isDocGood On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sName As String 'initialize return value SetCaption_Toggle = False 'error with Word 'ensure ActiveDocument in Word If pbReadValue Then If Not isDocGood Then Exit Function End If With pControl 'read value If pbReadValue Then pbValue = .Value 'else use passed value End If ' ----------- set Caption, Bold If pbValue <> False Then 'true .Caption = ChrW(10004) 'HEAVY CHECK MARK Else .Caption = " " End If 'bold or not the associated caption ' to make True value stand out .Controls(0).FontBold = pbValue End With 'return value -- success SetCaption_Toggle = True Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 'reset error handler Exit Function Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " SetCaption_Toggle : " & Me.Name Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Toggles '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FieldCodes Private Sub tog_FieldCodes_AfterUpdate() '240823, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowFieldCodes <> bValue Then .ShowFieldCodes = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_ShowBookmarks Private Sub tog_ShowBookmarks_AfterUpdate() '240823, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowBookmarks <> bValue Then .ShowBookmarks = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_Nonprinting Private Sub tog_Nonprinting_AfterUpdate() '240823, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowAll <> bValue Then .ShowAll = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_Hyphens Private Sub tog_Hyphens_AfterUpdate() '240909, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowHyphens <> bValue Then .ShowHyphens = bValue End If End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_OptionalBreaks Private Sub tog_OptionalBreaks_AfterUpdate() '240909, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowOptionalBreaks <> bValue Then .ShowOptionalBreaks = bValue End If End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_NavigationPane Private Sub tog_NavigationPane_AfterUpdate() '240823, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow If .DocumentMap <> bValue Then .DocumentMap = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_Ruler Private Sub tog_Ruler_AfterUpdate() '240824, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane If .DisplayRulers <> bValue Then .DisplayRulers = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_StylesPane Private Sub tog_StylesPane_AfterUpdate() '240825, 26, 305 On Error GoTo Proc_Err If Not isDocGood Then Exit Sub Dim sMsg As String Dim boo As Boolean boo = Me.ActiveControl.Value sMsg = vbCrLf & vbCrLf _ & "TIP: Show or not show manually with Word first" _ & " -- and then this toggle works." With moDoc.Parent.CommandBars( "Styles") If .Visible <> boo Then .Visible = boo End With Call SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl) Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description & sMsg _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " tog_StylesPane_AfterUpdate" ' Me.tog_StylesPane.Value = 0 'don't know Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_Comments Private Sub tog_Comments_AfterUpdate() '240824, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowComments <> bValue Then .ShowComments = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_RevisionsComments Private Sub tog_RevisionsComments_AfterUpdate() '240824, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc.ActiveWindow.View If .ShowRevisionsAndComments <> bValue Then .ShowRevisionsAndComments = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tog_TrackChanges Private Sub tog_TrackChanges_AfterUpdate() '240825, 250307 ' CALLs ' SetCaption_Toggle Dim bValue As Boolean 'Call SetCaption_Toggle, bValue passed back If Not SetCaption_Toggle(Me.ActiveControl,bValue) Then 'problem with Word Exit Sub End If With moDoc If .TrackRevisions <> bValue Then .TrackRevisions = bValue End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' cmd_ToggleRibbon '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub cmd_ToggleRibbon_Click() '240823, 50305 If Not isDocGood Then Exit Sub 'TOGGLE! either collapse or expand, ExecuteMso moWord.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "MinimizeRibbon" Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " cmd_ToggleRibbon_Click" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' isDocGood '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Function isDocGood() As Boolean '240823, 250305,9 'CALLs ' ClearMyValues ' SetWordActiveDocument On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sName As String isDocGood = False If moWord Is Nothing Or moDoc Is Nothing Then Call SetWordActiveDocument End If If moDoc Is Nothing Then Call ClearMyValues Exit Function End If On Error Resume Next sName = moDoc.Name If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set moWord = Nothing Set moDoc = Nothing Call ClearMyValues MsgBox "Problem with Word" Exit Function End If isDocGood = True Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Function Proc_Err: 'MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " isDocGood : " & Me.Name Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ClearMyValues '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub ClearMyValues() '240821, 250305, 7 With Me .fraFieldShading = Null .fraMarkup = Null .tog_FieldCodes = False .tog_ShowBookmarks = False .tog_Nonprinting = False .tog_Hyphens = False .tog_OptionalBreaks = False .tog_NavigationPane = False .tog_Ruler = False .tog_StylesPane = False .tog_Comments = False .tog_RevisionsComments = False .tog_TrackChanges = False 'change display Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_FieldCodes,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_ShowBookmarks,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Nonprinting,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Hyphens,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_OptionalBreaks,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_NavigationPane,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Ruler,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_StylesPane,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Comments,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_RevisionsComments,0,False) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_TrackChanges,0,False) End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ReadMyValues '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Function ReadMyValues() As Boolean '240821, 250228, 305,9 'fill control values based on open Word document ' more information: ' https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Word_FieldShading.htm ' https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/aWord_BookmarksShowNotshow.htm 'CALLs ' SetWordActiveDocument On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim nFieldShading As Long _ ,bShowFieldCodes As Boolean _ ,bShowBookmarks As Boolean _ ,bShowNonprinting As Boolean _ ,bShowHyphens As Boolean _ ,bShowOptionalBreaks As Boolean _ ,bNavigationPane As Boolean _ ,bRulers As Boolean _ ,bComments As Boolean _ ,bRevisionsAndComments As Boolean _ ,bTrackRevisions As Boolean _ ,bStylesPane As Boolean Dim iMarkup As Integer Dim iView As Integer Dim sName As String ReadMyValues = False '--------------- default values as opposed to 0 ' WdFieldShading ' 1 = Always ' 2 = When selected ' 0 = Never ' nFieldShading = 2 'When selected ' bShowBookmarks = True 'show ' bShowNonprinting = False 'don't show If moDoc Is Nothing Then Call SetWordActiveDocument End If If moDoc Is Nothing Then Exit Function 'nothing to do 'make sure Word still open On Error Resume Next sName = moDoc.Name If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call SetWordActiveDocument End If With moDoc bStylesPane = .Application.CommandBars( "Styles").Visible On Error GoTo Proc_Err bTrackRevisions = .TrackRevisions With .ActiveWindow bNavigationPane = .DocumentMap With .View nFieldShading = .FieldShading bShowFieldCodes = .ShowFieldCodes bShowBookmarks = .ShowBookmarks bShowNonprinting = .ShowAll bShowHyphens = .ShowHyphens bShowOptionalBreaks = .ShowOptionalBreaks bComments = .ShowComments bRevisionsAndComments = .ShowRevisionsAndComments With .RevisionsFilter iView = .View '1=original, 0=final iMarkup = .Markup End With 'RevisionsFilter End With 'Word document ActiveWindow.View With .ActivePane bRulers = .DisplayRulers End With 'ActiveWindow.ActivePane End With 'ActiveWindow End With 'Document 'fill form control values With Me .fraFieldShading = nFieldShading .tog_FieldCodes = bShowFieldCodes .tog_ShowBookmarks = bShowBookmarks .tog_Nonprinting = bShowNonprinting .tog_Hyphens = bShowHyphens .tog_OptionalBreaks = bShowOptionalBreaks .tog_NavigationPane = bNavigationPane .tog_Ruler = bRulers .tog_Comments = bComments .tog_RevisionsComments = bRevisionsAndComments .tog_TrackChanges = bTrackRevisions .tog_StylesPane = bStylesPane Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_FieldCodes,bShowFieldCodes,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_ShowBookmarks,bShowBookmarks,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Nonprinting,bShowNonprinting,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Hyphens,bShowHyphens,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_OptionalBreaks,bShowOptionalBreaks,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_NavigationPane,bNavigationPane,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Ruler,bRulers,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_Comments,tog_Comments,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_RevisionsComments,bRevisionsAndComments,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_StylesPane,bStylesPane,0) Call SetCaption_Toggle(.tog_TrackChanges,bTrackRevisions,0) With Me.fraMarkup If iView = 1 Then 'simple .Value = -1 'original Else '0=RevisionsMarkupNone '1=wdRevisionsMarkupSimple '2=wdRevisionsMarkupAll .Value = iMarkup End If End With End With ReadMyValues = True Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 'reset Exit Function Proc_Err: 'MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " ReadMyValues" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' SetWordActiveDocument '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub SetWordActiveDocument() '240811 strive4peace, 250305 sub set moWord, moDoc 'return ActiveDocument in Word 'this isn't necessary when you already have a Document object 'Initialize Word On Error Resume Next Set moWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application") On Error GoTo Proc_Err If moWord Is Nothing Then Set moDoc = Nothing MsgBox "Word isn't open",, "Can't get Word Object" Exit Sub End If 'still here -- see if any docs open With moWord If Not .Documents.Count > 0 Then Set moDoc = Nothing MsgBox "No ActiveDocument in Word" _ ,, "Can't get Word ActiveDocument" Exit Sub End If Set moDoc = .ActiveDocument End With Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Word_Set _ActiveDocument" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '*************** Code End ******************************************************' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access
Show or not show bookmark indicators in Word
View.FieldShading property (Word)
View.ShowComments property (Word)
View.ShowRevisionsAndComments property (Word)
RevisionsFilter.Markup property (Word)
Window.DocumentMap property (Word)
View.RevisionsFilter property (Word)
This form can save you lots of time when you're working in Word. Quickly show or hide what you want to see or not.
Toggle buttons are used when a value is True or False, and the Caption property is changed to a checkmark character if the option is true.
Code runs on the Form Load to read how Word is currently set. If Word isn't open or there's no ActiveDocument, user is informed, and value of toggles is false. VBA also runs on AfterUpdate event of each control to change what happens in Word.
Colors are set on the Format tab of the Property Sheet for each control.
Frames with option buttons are used for a few settings.
It was difficult to get and set the ribbon state, so a command button to toggle it on or off is used.